Unlock The Power Of
Crypto Earning
With Us

Recruit mercenaries and build a stable income. Start completely free!

Important Features

Why you should choose us?

To make earning as easy as possible for you, here are our features.

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21097 Users

Total Users

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Total Paid

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238 Days

Days Online

Free To Use

You have the opportunity to recruit mercenaries, these bring you income. You also get free tokens so you don't have to invest.

Instant Payments

Regardless of whether withdrawals or deposits, payments are always processed instantly. Minimum payout only $0.001.

First Class Support

If the FAQ doesn't help you, write us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We will respond within 24 hours.

How It Works

It only requires a few mouse clicks

1.Earn Or Buy Tokens

Purchase or earn for free TerraTokens.

2.Recruit Mercenaries

Recruit mercenaries, they will give you income.

3.Get TerraCash

Receive Terracash from your owned mercenaries.


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50 TerraTokens

Income: 0.001 TerraCash

Recruit Mercenaries

Recruit mercenaries who will collect TerraCash for you, which will be credited to your balance every 10 minutes. Once recruited, he stays by your side forever.

  • - Earn and recruit for free.
  • - Income is credited to you every 10 minutes.
  • - Unlimited term and attractive referral program.

User Withdrawals

Latest Withdrawals From Our Users

User: 3195

0.00000145 BNB

3 Months ago

User: 9164

0.00000612 SOL

4 Months ago

User: 3057

0.00000646 SOL

4 Months ago

User: 340

0.00003228 SOL

4 Months ago

User: 10011

0.00001292 SOL

4 Months ago

Supported Currencies

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